Test your knowledge on these merienda ideas you normally eat! Name their prices and see how well you know your food! You can take this fun and interactive quiz on Merienda ideas. It only takes less than 5 minutes! It is a simple quiz about matching a specific merienda to its corresponding price through a matching type test. We hope you have fun!
Did these merienda ideas make you hungry? Check our recipes for merienda ideas you can do on your own here “link to recipes”. Let us know in the comments how well you did in this short and fun quiz on merienda ideas! We would also love to know more about which ingredients you want new recipes for. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family, we hope you continue to support the Prime Mom Club.
Mega Prime products are available online via Megamart, Shopee, Lazada, and in Robinsons, Puregold, and other leading supermarkets and groceries nationwide! Gather more #EverydayEasySarap tips by Prime Moms for Prime Moms only from Prime Mom Club.